Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Catholicism Twitters?

After doing some project or another, I am signed up to receive AdAge emails. Every once in awhile I open them thanks to an interesting subject line. Obviously, the promotional email and the ever-so-important subject line could be the topic here in itself, but not today.
Today's email was telling me that the Cardinal of Ireland had reached out to the people of his church and encouraged them to email, text and twitter a prayer for those they love. The article went on to say how this could be a catastrophe for Twitter because it may encourage that many more users to sign up. I couldn't understand how this could be a catastrophe, aren't the more members the better?
Turns out not! According to this article Twitter is running off venture capitalism rather than a solid revenue-making business plan. After all we learned in class about how important advertising is and how search engines are not just for searches but to make money, it astonishes me to find this information out. Twitter has only been in existence for the last three years or so, and while its user basis is growing, it may be on its way out in popularity. Where does the money aspect of this fit in?

I have no answers, mostly because I probably don't understand it as well as I ought to, but it does make one curious. Could Twitter be in for a rough finish? As a young professional, do I need to really work on internalizing this concept of advertising in order to be successful?
Sounds complicated, maybe I should have done a business minor...

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